Thursday, September 6, 2007

"The Big Three Killed My Baby" / The White Stripes / The White Stripes

Interesting song, supposedly the "big three" are the big three Detroit automakers. How did they kill babies, you ask? Probably layoffs and stuff.

Not many dynamics or changes to this one, it's kind of a strummed dirge with breaks in what I suppose would be the chorus. Heavy reverb, it sounds like, and very low-fi production. Intentional, or is the entire CD like that? I'm not sure. By the way, what do y'all out there think of Meg as a drummer? I always thought servicable at best, although what she does fits well in the band. She always seems to end up on critics' lists of great drummers, and I have to scratch my head about that. Maybe someone more informed than me can enlighten me.

I'm not sure why I have this song on itunes, actually, I don't have the album on which it appears. It just kind of showed up out of the blue somewhere.

I've already somewhat covered 'ol Jack on the Loretta Lynn entry, but not the Stripes themselves. I'm a big fan, although I do feel a general backlash brewing in the media (especially after the mildly disappionting "Get Behind Me Satan"). However, I really am still digging the new album and I'd recommend it to those of you that liked "Elephant" as much as I did.



I did not think so until I saw her live, but Meg White is one of the best drummers in all of rock music. Sinple and not overpowering, Meg is the only person who could make the White Stripes work with Jack White.

She reminds me of the drummer from AC/DC. Simple. Does not feel the need to hit the cymbal on every down beat. Lovely. Makes the music work without trying to be the music (read Neal Pert).

I liked Get Behind me Satan. They needed to do something a little different. What would the new record be without GBMS?

Bryan Moore said...

Watch it with the Neil Peart stuff, buster....