Imagine , also, that instead of four struggling, working-class lads compromising the band, you had only a blond, five-foot tall, pixieish, Grit-waitressing, guitar-shredding, cooing -screeching Goddess and a maniacal demolisher of drum heads, and you would have The Classic City's own Jucifer.
Though the buzz surrounding Jucifer has cooled off a bit, and it seems that their window for stardom beyond select indie-rock circles may have closed, they are still putting out CDs and touring.
Back when this debut CD was released, they were the talk of Athens and seemed poised for greater heights. I bought the CD not really knowing what to expect, other than "hard", which is how they were most often described in the press. That, of course, is a highly subjective term in the music world. I was a bit skeptical of that label, being a big fan of metal as well, so I was totally floored by what I heard.
Jucifer manage to produce some of the (yes) hardest, fastest, most intense music this side of Pantera, and amazingly, they do it as a guitar and drum duo. As much as I love the CD, it's the live show where Jucifer shines. When I finally caught them at the 40 Watt, I can say without exaggeration, it was maybe the loudest show I've ever heard in my life. They are incredible to see perform. Amber Valentine looks like a doll on stage, all done up to the nines and often waring ridiculously high heeled boots. Her cool demeanor on stage is in sharp contrast to drummer Ed Lovengood, who, no lie, pounds the drums like no one I've ever seen. It's not so much that he plays them; he attacks them. Punishes them.
To Whit: Holy Fucking Shit!
Yeah, ninety minutes of that, and you are absolutely spent.
Here we have "Superman", one of my two or three favorites on this CD. This is, at it's heart, a spooky song, all minor keys and what not. It has a very, very quiet intro, just Valentine whispering over a tapped out guitar beat almost to the point that one has to turn the music way up to hear. Don't turn it up too loud though, because at :30 in comes the explosion. One thing I like about Jucifer's sound is the huge dynamic swings - Valentine can go from a whisper to a full-throated scream in a flash, and of course the volume and intensity of the music can as well. That's what happens at the :30 mark - that little tapped out guitar riff becomes immense, fuzzed out and distorted, and Valentine howls ("...cut you down to SIIIIIIIZE!").
Then, we get the main theme of the song at :44, the dark riff that is straight out of the Toni Iommi playbook, with Valentine screaming "SHOOOW...MEEEEE" over it. One part I love about the riff is the little syncopaed, descending notes at its very end (check :50-: 51 to see what I mean). It's a cool little touch.
"Superman" is all loud, crunchy goodness after that, save for an evil, sexy giggle at 1:44 and a really cool break at 2:21 in which a piano plays the ominous riff (making it even ominous-er) with some strange squeaking effects under it.
I was really happy to find a video for this song on YouTube; I seriously didn't expect that (and is that Athens' Oconee Hills Cemetery they are in in the video?). So have a go at it, and I would recommend picking the song up below for your own library. (By the way, the video is about eleven seconds off of the times I posted in the song above, for what it's worth)
1 comment:
Another nice pick! I have been a huge fan of the Juice since I heard them for the first time at Athfest (c.2002) . . . While I like the first record, I am a bigger fan of I Name You Destroyer.
Have you checked out the new record? It is pretty good too.
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