Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Walking to Do" / Ted Leo and the Pharmacists / Shaking the Sheets

I can't remember how I found out about Ted Leo. I guess I first remember hearing about his cover of Kelly Clarkson's "Since You Been Gone", which was a great one, by the way.

I think I then downloaded a random song, "Better Dead Than Lear", which I liked enough to put on a mixtape. It lead to getting a couple of proper CDs from my buddy Mike when I raided his itunes library last Spring. Now I've got cred out my ASS. Ted Leo will do that for you.

I really like the dude, though. He's got some great, catchy tunes and some sticky hooks, which is what you want in a pop band. The music is pretty complex, too - not just straight up melodies and verses, but lots of nice little nooks and crannies to the songs that reveal themselves over several listens.

Take this one. It's pretty unfamiliar to me as his songs go, but damn if I don't have the refrain stuck in my head now after only two listens. I love the breakdown that starts with cutting everything out but the guitar, bass and drums at about 2:16, then slowly building back up to the chorus - with an "answer" back this time, of course, and for God's sake, do I hear handclaps too?

You can count on it - a great hook, studio hijinks, three minutes and some seconds = pop perfection


Anonymous said...

I just can't make myself like music that sounds this "poppy". Please tell me what is wrong with me.

I did like the part that you mentioned, but once he started singing again, I lost interest.

I don't want to be a hater, but I don't want to lie, either. Maybe more people can leave some comments and explain what I am not getting.

Ralph Dilliard said...

Pairs nicely with Holla Back Girl and a side of Matchbox 20.