Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"The Cherry Tree" / 10,000 Maniacs / In My Tribe

I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I really, really, like this album. I'm not crazy about the Maniacs in general, but I think this album is just about perfect from start to finish (with the exception of "My Sister Rose", which is, far and away the weak link and keeps it out of the pantheon of all-timers).

On the album itself, it's right between "Like the Weather" and "The Painted Desert" and is a nice transition between the two. It's got a lively, bouncy , almost (dare I say) danceable beat to it. To be honest, I never knew the title, but I always recognize it as a favorite when it starts.

This album, in general, reminds me of 1993. I think I bought the used casette on a whim and listened it it pretty constantly that entire year. It has indelible memories of a certain young lady I was seeing at the time, and of trips through the Appalachian Mountains with said young woman in my 1985 Buick Regal.


Anonymous said...


Mike said...

Will you get in trouble if you post said young woman's name?
Wait a second, it better not be the young woman I just thought of, cause that was a travesty back then and is an even bigger travesty now.
Damn you Bryan Moore.

B. Mo said...

Mike, I don't think it's who you're thinking of. Sorry.